We all use computers/laptops to store details. But many of us including me is quite comfortable in writing down the details than typing them. Just write anything, draw anything, be it a table or a picture just like how you do in a piece of paper and that is stored in the 32 MB inbuilt memory of this memory pad which can then be transferred to the computer or laptop for editing or storing or sharing.
It is highly portable and it comes with a carry case also and so whenever you want and wherever you need you can take it with you. This is especially highly helpful for college students and executives who have to take lots of notes. This comes with a writing pen specially made for this pad.
When this pad is connected, it helps the user to write to their contacts when they are chatting with their contacts, instead of typing. This happens to be a hard copy storage also as the user writes only in a piece of paper. This product comes from IBall and to know more about the product check this: Write to your heart's content