#Letter of the day - H
#Thought of the day - Home
A house never becomes a home until it is filled with
people who are connected with each other and who love each other. House is just
the building where people can live. Home is a place one feels safe and secure
and accepted at. Many a times, even though a person lives in a particular house
or apartment or room, he will not feel at home as he might not have an
attachment to that place. This kind of feelings is faced mainly by newly wedded
women. One feels at home in a particular dwelling only when all the others
already living there reflect love and affection and accept the new comer into
their own space.
Even though many people live in the same house all might not
call it their home just because of this simple feeling of not getting accepted
or not feeling safe and secure.
Home becomes sweet home when there is lots of love and
affection in air. One gets connected to a home when they feel attached not only
to the living beings of that house but also to the non-living and materialistic
things too. It so happens many a times those materialistic things in a home
give a person more comfort than the actual people living in it.