J for Jewel (Save it) - A to Z challenge 2017

I am again back with the A to Z challenge posts and let me start from where I left.

#Letter of the day - J

#Thought of the day - J for Jewel

Jewel I am not here to talk about the physical jewel that every one adore but here I am to talk about the jewel of every one's life. KIDS. 

The kids are the jewel of our lives. Let us not constraint ourselves to our own kids but to every other kid. The kids are Gen X or Y or Z but they are kids. The innocent childhood of these kids are stolen away by the vultures of the day, yes I am trying to talk about protecting those jewels from those who try to do wrong to these young vulnerable people. It is just not enough to teach our kids about good and bad touch but we should give these jewels the confidence to talk to us openly. Whatever happens in their day to day life should be known to the parents. Yes both mother and father should know everything that is happening to their kids. Be it something good or something bad the kids should be able to talk to their parents. 

The nuclear family have made the kids stay alone or with some relative who abuse them and use them to the extent the kids fear of talking to any one else. The parents should be able to understand the body language of their kids. I will say spending quality time alone is not going to help but in that quality time the kids should be confident enough to share anything to their parents. And the parents should definitely believe that their kids will not blame some one unnecessarily. If your kid is not ready to be alone even for a few minutes with any relative or friend even though they are very well known, accept the fact and reality that there is something gravely wrong. 

The parents should understand the vital signs of the child being abused, something like the child become introvert and wanting to be alone more often or wanting to be with their parents more often are easily understandable signs and every parent should identify it and handle it with care. Do not ever ignore these vital signs. 

The news of a 10 year old child delivering a baby and the news of kids being killed after being abused sexually are very much disturbing not just me but every mother in this world and it is necessary to protect our kids. Let us do it together. 
